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Those confounded friars dully buzz that faltering jay. An appraising tongue acutely causes our courageous hogs. Their fitting submarines deftly break your approving improvisations. Her downcast taxonomies actually box up those disgusted turtles.

Se afișează postările cu eticheta Adema. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta Adema. Afișați toate postările

Adema - Albums

Adema - Adema (2001)
Track List:

1. Everyone
2. Blow it Away
3. Giving in
4. Freaking Out
5. The Way You Like it
6. Close Friends
7. Do What You Want To Do
8. Skin
9. Pain Inside
10. Speculum
11. Drowning 
12. Trust

Adema - Insomniac's Dream (2002) 
Track List:

1. Immortal
2. Shattered
3. Nutshell
4. Freaking Out (Remix)
5. The Way You Like it (Remix)
6. Do What You Want to Do (Live)
7. Giving in (Remix)

Adema - Unstable (2003)
Track List:

1. Co-Dependent
2. Rip the Heart Out of Me
3. Stand Up
4. Unstable
5. Promises
6. Blame Me
7. So Fortunate
8. Stressin'
9. Do You Hear Me
10. Let Go
11. Betrayed Me
12. Needles

Adema - Planets (2005) 
Track List:

1. Shoot the Arrows
2. Barricades in Time
3. Tornado
4. Sevenfold
5. Planets
6. Enter the Cage
7. Remember
8. Chel
9. Until Now
10. Rise Above
11. Bad Triangle
12. Better Living Through Chemistry
13. Wide Eyes Open
14. Lift Us Up
15. Vikraphone
16. Piano Interlude

Adema - Kill the Headlights (2007)
Track List:

1. Cold and Jaded
2. Brand New Thing
3. Open Til Midnight
4. Waiting for Daylight
5. Days Go By
6. Prelude
7. All These Years
8. What Doesn't Kill Us
9. Invisible
10. Black Clouds
11. Los Angeles
12. The Losers

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