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Those confounded friars dully buzz that faltering jay. An appraising tongue acutely causes our courageous hogs. Their fitting submarines deftly break your approving improvisations. Her downcast taxonomies actually box up those disgusted turtles.

Se afișează postările cu eticheta Bomb the Music Industry. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta Bomb the Music Industry. Afișați toate postările

Bomb the Music Industry - Albums

Bomb the Music Industry! - Album Minus Band (2005)
Track List:

1. Blow Your Brains Out On Live TV!!
2. Does Your Face Hurt? No? ’Cause It’s Killin’ Me!!
3. It Ceases to Be ‘Whining’ If You’re Still ‘Shitting Blood
4. Big Plans Of Sleeping In
5. I’m A Panic Bomb, Baby!
6. Sweet Home Cananada
7. Funcoland vs. The Southern Electorate
8. Ready... Set... No!!
9. I’m Too Cooooool for Music
10. Pike St. – Park Slope
12. Future 86

Bomb the Music Industry! - To Leave Or Die In Long Island (2005)
Track List:

1. Happy Anterrabae Day!!
2. Congratulations, John, On Joining Every Time I Die
3. Showerbeers!
4. Stand There Until You’re Sober
5. Dude, Get With the Program
6. Bomb the Music Industry! (and Action Action) (and Refused) (and Born Against) Are Fucking Dead
7. Brian Wilson Says SMiLE! (a.k.a. Beard of Defiance)
8. Syke! Life is Awesome!

Bomb the Music Industry! & Rick Johnson Rock And Roll Machine - Presidents Day (2006)
Track List:
Rick Johnson Rock and Roll Machine 

1. Thanks For Being Born In July
2. Funco Land Vs. The Southern Electorate (Bomb the Music Industry! Cover)
3. My Mom Thinks the FBI Are Going to Open a File On Me

Bomb the Music Industry!

1. This Year For Presidents Day, I’m Giving Up On Rock and Roll
2. 4 Inches!" (Rick Johnson Rock and Roll Machine cover)
3. Come On, This Shit Is Getting RIDICULOUS


Bomb the Music Industry! - Goodbye Cool World (2006)
Track List:

1. Old and Unprofessional
2. King of Minneapolis, Pts I and II
3. Even Winning Feels Bad
4. Side Projects Are Never Successful
5. 5 Funerals
6. My Response To An Article In Alternative Press
7. Sorry, Brooklyn. Dancing Won’t Solve Anything
8. It’s Official! We’re Borrrrring!
9. From Martyrdom To Star(tyr)dom
10. All Alone in my Big Empty Apartment
11. Fuck The Fans
12. Grudge Report
13. King of Minneapolis, Pts. III and IV
14. Anywhere I Lay My Head

Bomb The Music Industry! - Get Warmer (2007)
Track List:

1. Jobs Schmobs
2. 493 Ruth
3. Bike Test 1 2 3
4. Unlimited Breadsticks, Soup and Salad Days
5. No Rest for the Whiny
6. 25 Hour Goddamn Telethon
7. Depression is No Fun
8. I Don’t Love You Anymore
9. Pizza Claus is Comin’ to Town
10. Never Trust a Man Without a Horribly Embarrassing Secret
11. Get Warmer
12. The Last Party (Foul)


Bomb the Music Industry & O Pioneers!! (2007)
Track List:

1. Bomb The Music Industry - Save The War
2. Bomb The Music Industry - I'm Terrorfied
3. Bomb The Music Industry - This Is A Singalong
4. Bomb The Music Industry - Ghost Of Corporate Future
5. O Pioneers - Funknews Is Stoked
6. O Pioneers - Yo Bones
7. O Pioneers - You Know That Part In Superman3
8. O Pioneers - Bad Scene, Aaron's Fault


Bomb the Music Industry &  Mustard Plug (2008) Ep
Track List:

1. Bomb The Music Industry - Gold Soundz
2. Mustard Plug - Waiting Room


Bomb The Music Industry - Scrambles (2009)
Track List:

1. Cold Chillin' Cold Chillin
2. Stuff That I Like
3. It Shits!!!
4. Fresh Attitude, Young Body
5. Wednesday Night Drinkball
6. 25!
7. $2,400,000
8. Gang of Four Meets the Stooges (but Boring)
9. 9/11 Fever!!!
10. (Shut) Up the Punx!!
11.Can I Pay My Rent in Fun?
12. Saddr Weirdr
13. Sort of Like Being Pumped


 Bomb the Music Industry - Others! Others! Volume 1 2005 - 2008 (2009)
Track List:

1. This Graceless Planet
2. Tell My Boss, 'I Hate You
3. This Year For Presidents' Day, I'm Giving Up on Rock and Roll
4. 4 Inches!
5. Come On, This Shit Is Getting RIDICULOUS
6. If Assholes Got Awards, I'd Have A Trophy Case" (Infamous Jake Cover)
7. All Alone In My Big Empty Apartment
8. This is a Singalong!
9. The Soul Crushing Northeast
10. D13 4 YR G0V3RNM3NT (Anti-Flag Megamix)
11. Little Brother
12. Pog
13. Gold Soundz


Bomb the Music Industry & Laura Stevenson and the Cans (2009)
Track List:
  1. THERE'S My Bailout!
  2. A Shine to It
  3. Halloween One and Two
  4. It Ceases to Be "Whining" if You're Still "Shitting Blood

Bomb the Music Industry - Adults! Smart! Shithammered! And Excited By Nothing! (2010) 
Track List:

1. You Still Believe In Me?
2. Planning My Death
3. Slumlord
4. All Ages Shows
5. Big Ending
6. The First Time I Met Sanawon
7. Struggler


Bomb the Music Industry! -  Everybody That You Love (2010) Ep
Track List:

1. Everybody That You Love
2. Matchless, Considerable Weirdness, The B48 Home

Bomb the Music Industry - Vacation (2011)
Track List:

1. Campaign for a Better Next Weekend
2. Vocal Coach
3. Everybody That You Love
4. Sponge Board / Baby Waves
5. The Shit That You Hate
6. Hurricane Waves
7. Sick, Later
8. Why, Oh Why, Oh Why? (Oh Oh Oh Oh)
9. Savers
10. Can’t Complain
11. Everybody That Loves You
12. Sunny Place / Shady People
13. Felt Just Like Vacation
14. Silence
15. Untitled


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