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Those confounded friars dully buzz that faltering jay. An appraising tongue acutely causes our courageous hogs. Their fitting submarines deftly break your approving improvisations. Her downcast taxonomies actually box up those disgusted turtles.

Se afișează postările cu eticheta Walls Of Jericho. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta Walls Of Jericho. Afișați toate postările

Walls Of Jericho - Albums

Walls Of Jericho - A Day and a Thousand Years (1999)
Track List:

1. A Day and a Thousand Years
2. Our Fate Ends
3. Athenian
4. Moment of Thought
5. Why Father
6. Overpower
7. Collecting on a Debt

Walls Of Jericho - The Bound Feed The Gagged (2000)
Track List:

1. Playing Soldier Again
2. Home Is Where the Heart Is
3. Changing Times
4. Unwanted Resistance
5. Misanthropy
6. Beneath the Exterior
7. Full Disclosure
8. Family Values
9. Why Father
10. Angel
11. Inevitable Repercussions

Walls Of Jericho - All Hail the Dead (2004)
Track List:

1. All Hail the Dead
2. There's No I In Fuck You
3. A Little Piece of Me
4. Another Anthem for the Hopeless
5. Revival Never Goes Out of Style
6. Day And a Thousand Years
7. Through the Eyes of a Dreamer
8. 1:43 AM
9. Jaded
10. Thanks for the Memories
11. More Life in the Monitors
12. Fixing Broken Hearts
13. To Be Continued...

Walls Of Jericho - From Hell (2006) Ep
Track List:

1. A Trigger Full of Promises
2. I Know Hollywood and You Ain't It
3. The Revolving Door Strategy 

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