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Those confounded friars dully buzz that faltering jay. An appraising tongue acutely causes our courageous hogs. Their fitting submarines deftly break your approving improvisations. Her downcast taxonomies actually box up those disgusted turtles.

Se afișează postările cu eticheta Alien Ant Farm. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta Alien Ant Farm. Afișați toate postările

Alien Ant Farm - Albums

 Alien Ant Farm - Greatest Hits (1999)
Track List:

1. These Days
2. Pink Tea
3. Movies
4. Dole Roll
5. Denigrate
6. Solution Time
7. S.S. Recognize
8. Nova Hands 
9. Universe
10. Slick Thief

 Alien Ant Farm - Anthology (2001)
Track List:

1. Courage
2. Movies
3. Flesh & Bone
4. Whisper 
5. Summer
6. Sticks and Stones
7. Attitude
8. Stranded
9. Wish
10. Calico
12. Happy Death Day 
13. Universe
14. Smooth Criminal 

 Alien Ant Farm - Truant (2003)
Track List:

1. 1000 Days
2. Drifting Apart
3. Quiet
4. Glow
5. These Days
6. Sarah Wynn
7. Never Meant
8. Goodbye
9. Tia Lupé
10. Rubber Mallet
11. S.S. Recognize
12. Hope

Alien Ant Farm - 3rd Draft (2005)
Track List:

1. Bad Morning
2. What I Feel Is Mine
3. It Could Happen
4. Around the Block
5. San Sebastian
6. Lord Knows
7. Getting Closer
8. Crickets
9. Supreme Lifestyle
10. Consti2tion 
11. She's Only Evil
12. State Of Emergency
13. Sleepwalker 

  Alien Ant Farm - Up in the Attic (2006) 
Track List:

1. Bad Morning
2. Forgive & Forget
3. What I Feel Is Mine
4. It Could Happen
5. Around the Block
6. San Sebastian
7. Lord Knows
8. Getting Closer
9. Crickets
10. Supreme Lifestyle
11. Consti2tion
12. State of Emergency
13. Sleepwalker 
14.  She's Only Evil 

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